Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Love: Day 6 - Boasting

For the past four days the internet in my apartment has been out. It was so aggravating and really started to get me down because all I wanted to do was be able to write my blogs! What was even more frustrating was the fact that it was only my internet. My roommates all had theirs up and running, and despite whatever I tried I couldn't get my internet to work on my laptop! This meant no blog, but also no worship music. I listen to worship music ALL the time when I am at my apartment. It took me a couple days, but I eventually realized what was happening. I was being put through a trial. God was saying "You've done really great this week Nastassia, you are focusing on me and you have been going strong. But what happens when I take the easy paths away? What happens when you can't write on your blog every day or turn to worship music instead of your Bible or prayer when you want to cry out to me?" It made (and continues to make) so much sense to me. It was really humbling to have God tell me to stop focusing on certain things (even in my walk with Him) and focus on Him ALONE. I believe He wanted to humble me more than ever and tell me some things before He allowed me to write this next blog. But before I continue I just want to say: God is asking you the same questions, and if you just listen you will hear them being asked. When you want to hear from God, do you immediately turn to others for guidance, the internet for Bible verses, worship music for release...? Or do you run into His arms and get on your face in prayer and open your Bible and let Him lead you to what He wants to show you? We are all guilty of this. There is NOTHING wrong with any of those things (using the internet to research, listen to worship music, etc). Those things are all great things. But sometimes it's best to shut off your computer, your phone, and just pray to Him and listen to what He wants to tell you.

There are still plenty of days left in November to pick right back up where I left off a few days ago and still cover all of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

"...it (love) does not boast."

In other words, love does not brag, does not show off, does not say HEY! Look at me!
Here are some situations we typically like to brag in/on:
-Our accomplishments
-Our traits & characteristics
-People we know & how well we know them
....And the list can go on and on...

So why do we brag???
Maybe we have low self-esteem and we feel the need to boost ourselves up in the light of others. Maybe we are hot headed and think way too highly of ourselves. Maybe we desperately just want the approval of another human being, or maybe it's even that we want to show off and make someone want what we have. Can I tell you that ALL of these can be broken from you through Jesus Christ? If you have low self-esteem, you probably aren't seeking Jesus first. I used to suffer so bad from this, thinking that I wasn't pretty and that my body wasn't good enough, and that nobody loved me or wanted anything to do with me. These are lies from the enemy!

"So God made man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." -Genesis 1:27

God made you in HIS IMAGE! That alone should make you feel incredibly beautiful and wonderful, because our God is perfect, and if we are made in His image, that means we are perfect to Him.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." -Psalm 139:14

We are WONDERFULLY made!!! His works are WONDERFUL!!! Can't you see that this means you are wonderful?? If you are struggling, lay it at the foot of the cross, give it to Jesus.

The same is true for the others reasons for bragging that I gave. If you are prideful, lay it at the feet of Jesus. As far as wanting the approval of others, or craving their attention, there is one verse that speaks SO loudly about this:

"Am I not trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." -Galatians 1:10

I love that verse. Stop worrying about what people think about you! Stop worrying about their approval and attention! They are not your god, you do not get your identity in them or anything of this world. Your identity comes from Christ, and Christ alone. Speak that truth over your life. There is no excuse for bragging or boasting. The Bible says simply that we are NOT to do it. Don't worry about what others think and focus on what God SAYS. Focus on your relationship with GOD not with man.

James 4:17 - ESV  
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Love: Day 5 - Envy

I hate that I don't get around to writing until night, but I'm glad to even write at all. Tonight I am continuing 1 Corinthians 13. We've been over patience and kindness, and now I want to focus on the next part: "it (love) does not envy."

Once again, I want to define this word for you:

Desire to have a quality, possession, or other attribute belonging to (someone else): "he envied tall people"; "I envy Jane her happiness".

I do not enjoy feeling envious! And I don't know anybody who does. It can be so frustrating to want what others have and to wish for things that aren't in your possession. It can really wear you down until all you are focusing on is what you don't have rather than what you do have. Let me tell you, what you do have is so much better! Because you have the love of our King!

"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." -Proverbs 14:30 NIV

Jealousy and envy are so unbelievably bad for us. Today God broke some extreme envy off of me. I was struggling with some really bad jealousy issues towards Tyler's cousin. They two of them have always been in one another's lives. They grew up together and share some awesome memories and times together. They knew each other in their sinful nature and now in their walks with Christ. They have a close relationship, like a brother and sister. When the three of us are together I feel like a third wheel, like I really struggle to fit in and I started to grow so jealous of her that I started to resent her. This has been going on for months now. God really revealed it to me a few days ago and after praying about it, she and I talked and God broke me free from it. She didn't even have to say anything, it just took me admitting to her how I felt and allowing God to free me from it. And it feels amazing! If you are struggling feeling like a third wheel, I want you to understand what I was hit with today: there are relationships that you will never touch, and will never understand. There are going to be great memories you won't be able to share with that person that another person has. But you are unique, and so is the relationship you have! You will make your own experiences that nobody will be there for, you will make inside jokes that only you and this person will understand, you will make memories and grow a relationship unique in itself and unique from anyone else's relationship with that person. They belong to God, and the only person who should be jealous for them are God!

Another example. I have been struggling with wanting what other women have. This is talking as simple as their hair to what kind of shoes they are wearing. I have been wanting "things" instead of more of Jesus. Our God is a jealous God. He wants your attention!

"...but doing something beautiful for God and becoming beautiful doing it." -1 Timothy 2:10 MSG

It does not matter what clothes you have on your back, what color your hair is, or the shade of lipstick you are wearing. What matters is how you are living your life. What are you doing to glorify the living God? Your character is what makes you beautiful.

Envy is a poison that will eat us alive if we let it. Say you start resenting a girl because she is funnier than you, or prettier than you, and before you know it that turns into hatred. And soon, your heart is completely hardened towards that person. When your heart grows cold towards one person, it is so much easier to let it grow cold towards many other people. And then you have distanced yourself so far from God that it hurts. I do not want that for myself or for any of you. If you are struggling with envy or jealousy, give it to Jesus! Lay it at His feet - He can free you from it! Walk in His love, and allow Him to break chains off of you that are holding you back from the life He wants you to lead.

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." -Romans 12:21

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Love: Day 4 - Kindness

I was supposed to write this blog yesterday. But God told me "Just wait one more day.  I want to show you something." I thought, ummmm okay, God. And now I thoroughly understand.

".....love is kind."
What does it mean to be kind? Google says this:

Having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature: "a kind woman".

I think that's a pretty great definition and I believe it's safe to say God agrees with it.

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." -Ephesians 4:32

"A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself." -Proverbs 11:17

"Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience..." -Colossians 3:12

We all struggle with being kind. Sometimes it would be so much easier so go off on someone or make a mean comment rather than biting our tongues and seeking God. But God commands us to act out of love and kindness.

"And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love." -2 John 6

It's clear and it's written there for everyone to see: you are to LOVE one another, as Christ Jesus loved and loves you. There is nothing that we can do without love. As I have written before, love is ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE! And kindness is an incredibly huge aspect of love. Kindness is an act of love. It can be difficult at times, really difficult. How can we be kind to that person who cut us off on the road? Wouldn't we rather cuss them and yell at their car, even though they can't hear us? Or what about when someone says something rude and uncalled for to you? Don't we want to say something nasty back to them and treat them how they just treated us? Some of us even go as far as to make fun of people for how they look or talk. Why? Do we have any reason to be rude and ignorant? No. There is no solid reason why people treat others the way they do. But in contrast, we have plenty of reason to be the opposite: loving and kind. And that reason is because God commands it!

"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, bust seventy-seven times." -Matthew 18:21-22

Jesus tells Peter that he is to forgive those who sin against him 77 times. That is a lot. And in saying this, Jesus is telling him to always forgive.

"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD." -Leviticus 19:18

Not only are we to forgive our brothers and sisters, we are to let it go and lay it at the feet of Jesus. We are not to hold a grudge or seek revenge. We do this because we are to obey God and show love, and kindness.

So, remember how I was saying God told me to hold off for a day about writing this kindness blog? Here's why. Last night was the presidential election, and boy was it intense all over the place. I expected everyone to have their own opinion and I of course expected some people to be happy with the results and others to be not so happy with the results, obviously. What I did not anticipate was how people would treat others over it! I got on Facebook this morning and people (Christians and non-Christians) were not only bashing our president but also their brothers and sisters, and some ever their family! It's one thing to voice your opinion, but to put down others is something different entirely. So many people are complaining about the president, but how about we take a look at American citizens and the way they are treating others and reevaluate why this country is the way it is. When did it become okay to call your friends names and say ugly things to them because you do not agree with their line of reasoning or thinking? When did it become alright to stop talking to family members because they voted republican and you voted democratic?! Instead of speaking down to others and tearing them apart, why don't we try loving them and humbling ourselves? Again, voicing your opinion is PERFECTLY fine and I encourage it! But please do not allow words to destroy the relationships in your life! God does not want this. He wants unending LOVE and KINDNESS. Do we really understand what being kind means? Or are we going to continue going against the Word of God and calling names, making jokes and bashing others?

Something else that really stuck out to me, was someone was sharing a story with me today. Someone they know is really struggling with something holding them in bondage. Therefore they are coming to stay with a family member to try and better their lives and seek their Savior more. When another family member found out they said "Why would I want to help them? I don't want them staying in my house with those problems!" or something along those lines. These words came from a Christian. Wow. It baffled me.

My third example. A friend of mine invited some of her friends to come hang out with some other people, but these friends were afraid of being judged, therefore they didn't want to hang out with them.

When does it stop? When is enough, enough? When do we stop putting others down with our words and instead lift them up in the name of Jesus? This is really being laid on my heart and I feel so much pain! If you do not have love, you do not have God! (1 John 4:8) Humble yourselves before God and before others and beg for God to fix your heart, beg for a loving and kind spirit. It is not until you learn to love that you can be kind, and kindness is part of God's command.

My heart is so heavy. I want the Lord to break me of this, I want to be a kind hearted woman who exemplifies God's love! I no longer want to live without love in my life every single day.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Love: Day 3 - Patience

Some of the most quoted scripture from the Bible is found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. It basically lays out the definition of love. I bet you tons of us can quote it word for word or at least parts of it. But how many of us are actually abiding by what it is telling us? How many of us are striving to live by each individual aspect of it?   In order to love, you must follow what scripture tells you. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 is an incredible example of what love should look like, and what we should strive for every single day. It's one thing to know the scripture verbatim, it's another entirely to live it out and beg God to show you how to be the things it's telling you to be. 

"Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." 

There are 15 very distinct points, all of which are in bold print. The Bible is VERY clear on how we are to love, and what love is supposed to look like. So for the next 15 days I am going to break down each of these points, one per day. I hope you will follow with me every day and really focus on how God wants you to love. I hope you will pray to God and ask Him to help you grow in each of these areas. One step and one day at a time. 

Love is PATIENT.

Phew, let me tell ya, I struggle with patience every single day of my Christian walk. It is so difficult for me to remember that I have to be patient every moment and really put all my love and attention on Jesus. I want what I want and I want it NOW! But it is not according to my will or my timeline, it is only according to God's will and His timing is always perfect, even if I don't always remember that. My patience is something that God is really working me through. He is giving me trial after trial in order for me to overcome this issue with patience. Let me break down for you the areas that I struggle in with patience:

School - 
I am so sick and tired of school. I'm tired of studying and getting nowhere. I'm tired of staying up late every night trying to learn all of this material and being sleep deprived the next day. I feel like I am going in a never ending circle and that I will never be done with school. I want to be out of college with my degree and I'm ready to start my life! How many of you feel this way? God is saying slow down. We want to rush through this life, to have everything we want without really fighting for it. However, college is a season of growth. It's where God gives you people to walk with, where you find out what you want to do with your life and when you should be figuring out what God wants from you. College is a time to lay foundations. Yes, the workload sucks. Yes, it is so difficult at times. But I am trying to just be grateful that God has given me the opportunity to further my education and get a degree so that I can stand on my own two feet later in life. I am learning how to be a woman, allowing God to mold me into the creation He is calling me to be. 

Marriage/Kids - 
Now what girl in her right mind doesn't man to get married and have cute little babies with the man of her dreams?! Psh, you're lying if you say you don't. I want it now now now now NOW. But the same is true for what I said with school: this is a season of growth. You have GOT to learn who you are in Christ as a woman (or man) before you can be in a successful Godly relationship. During your single season, allow God to work on you and show you what being a husband or wife looks like according to His word. The more you put your focus on Jesus the easier it will be to wait. I promise.

So believe me when I say I know what it's like to struggle with patience.

Now for a quick little testimony:
This morning, Tyler was supposed to pick me up for class. He text me at 7:00 to let me know he was awake, and I text him back about 2 minutes later saying I was awake as well. He never replied, so I text him about 20 minutes later just to ask him when he was heading to campus. No reply ever came. So I text him again at 8:00 and said "I will walk. See you later!" At this point my patience was still intact and I figured he must just be working out or something, and I didn't mind walking. But soon, 9:00 rolled around and I still hadn't heard from him. We had a class together at 9:05. At this point I was getting frustrated, trying to figure out why he hadn't text me back yet. Maybe 15 minutes into class he text me that he had fallen back asleep and that he was sorry. "This is SO typical of him," was what I immediately thought. I wanted to be angry at him but instead I decided to give it to God and I prayed for understanding and patience. 

I made a choice in that situation. I could have decided to be angry and annoyed with Tyler and treat him bitter, but instead I decided to be humble and exercise my patience. And in the end I felt so good about it that I was much more patient throughout the day than I normally am!

Now here's the part I really want you to get and understand...
Why be patient? The answer is simple: God has been and always is patient with you.

"But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." -Psalm 86:15 

"The Lord is now slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." -2 Peter 3:9

Guys, this is powerful stuff. God is PATIENT with us. Even when we sin and go about our own selfish ambition and say "Oh hey God, yeah I see you, I know you are there but I will come back for you when I'm done doing what I want to do," He is still patient with you and waiting. He shows you unending grace and mercy. Do you understand that God could give you any punishment He wanted? Do you understand how POWERFUL our Lord is? 

"But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding." -Jeremiah 10:12

 It's so important that we realize God's power and His wrath. But it's also important to realize that because Jesus shed His blood for our sins, we have forgiveness and undeserved patience. God doesn't HAVE to be patient with us, He CHOOSES to be, because He loves us.

So is it really that hard to extend patience to people in your life? Is it really that hard to rest in the Lord and be patient with areas in your life that aren't happening according to your timeline? God's timing is perfect. His will is perfect. Ask Him to show you how to be patient.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Love: Day 2 - God's Love Pt 2

Last night and most of today were really difficult for me. Instead of focusing on God's love I was focusing on my own love, and the love that other's have for me instead of the love that God has for me. I, as well as most of you probably do, have a tendency to think I can do things on my own without God's help. I have those moments and even those days where I think I can tell God "Okay man, I got this, you can go on about your business." I think that I, by myself, know how to show people love. I think that I can get by without praying for wisdom and patience, and without seeking what God has to say about love. Do you know what happens when you rely on your own understanding rather than the wisdom of the Lord? You mess up, and you fall down. A lot. You scrape your knees and before you know it you're running right back into His arms with tears pouring down your face, and He tells you, "Well if you had just listened to me and hadn't gone playing where I told you not to, you wouldn't have tripped or scraped your knees."

That was definitely me last night and today. I was ignoring what God had to tell me about love. I was essentially ignoring God's love. Instead of showing others a love like our God's, I was using my own understanding. And it ended in tears and heartache. I couldn't even worship God at church this morning because I was ashamed of the way I was acting. I couldn't meet my friends in the eyes because I was ashamed of the "love" I had been showing them. But God swept me away by His grace. "You messed up. You didn't listen to me, but instead relied on yourself and you scraped your knees again. But I love you beyond your wildest imagination and my arms are open to you always. Come to me. Rest in me. I am your beloved and you are my gem." That's what God told me, and I broke down.

Despite how many times I have spat in God's face, He still wants me. He still loves me and desires to have an intimate relationship with me. And the same is true for you. There is nothing you could ever do to separate yourself from God's love. But it is important for us to know we do not deserve the love God has to offer us. We have done nothing worthy of His mercy and grace, but He gives it to us anyway. So why not show your gratitude toward Him and live a life worthy of His praise? Live for the One who gave you life. Love the way God loves.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." -John 3:16 NIV
God sent Jesus Christ to die the death WE should have died. WE deserved and deserve to be put on that cross. But Jesus lived a sinless and blameless life so that He could sacrifice Himself for each and every single one of us. If God didn't love us, He would not have sent Jesus for us. God desired to be close and intimate with us. Jesus could have said "The heck with that, I'm not going through this!" and He had all the power in the world to resist what happend to Him. But He didn't. Why? Why would anyone die such a terrible and painful death for sinners who wanted nothing to do with Him? One word: love.

"Man does not comprehend its worth; it cannot be found in the land of the living." -Job 28:13 NIV
This verse is so special to me, and it should be to you, too. Think for a second about the person or thing you love more than anything in this world, and what he/she/it is worth to you. Now multiply that worth as high as you can imagine. God loves you more than that, and you are even more worthy to Him than that. We cannot fathom how much we are worth to God. We cannot wrap our minds around it, because it is so dense. The love God has for us is NOT of this world. In order to love like God we must fix our eyes on what is unseen.

"But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved." -Ephesians 2:4-5
Wow. Even when I was dead in sin, even when I was living a life against the law of the Lord, He sent me Jesus. He brought us back to life with the blood of a savior.

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." -1 John 4:7-8
If you get nothing out of this, remember this verse, live by this verse. Love each other, like God loves us. Do not concentrate on your own defintion and assumptions of what love is, but look to God for love. Ask God to show you how to love according to His law. Love comes from God, and God alone.

He loves you more than any human being could ever possibly love you.
Focus your attention on Him, and ask Him to show you His love for you and how to love like He loves.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Love: Day 1 - God's Love Pt 1

For the month of November, the fruit that I am going to be focusing on is love. (I wanted to start this blog on the 1st, but I never got around to actually writing it so this fruit will be a couple days shorter than the rest of them.)

Just to share the verse with you again:

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." -Galatians 5:22-23 NIV

If you really pay attention to the way these fruits are listed, it is easy to tell that Paul wrote them in that particular order for a reason. Love is listed first, because LOVE is ESSENTIAL for LIFE! If you do not understand love, you cannot understand anything else in this life. The Bible uses the word love over 500 times! (Depending on your version). Understanding love is understanding life. Do you understand love? Do you comprehend what you are saying to someone when you tell them "I love you"...? This is how Google defines love:

An intense feeling of deep affection: "their love for their country".
Feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone): "do you love me?".

The world has distorted what love should look like. I don't know about you, but that's not really the love that I want to live by. Now, I believe that love is an intense feeling, it's the verb part that I am struggling with. Sex is not love. Money is not love. Things are not love. God is love. 

To fully comprehend love, we must first understand God's love for us. I thought I was in love, twice. I thought that I had love all figured out and I knew what I was talking about. But it wasn't until I had an encounter with Jesus that I even began to understand the true definition of love. He is still chiseling me and showing me how to love. He is breaking things off of me that are not of His love and molding me into the creation He intended me to be. But it hasn't been an easy walk, I have had to give up things that I definitely wanted to cling onto. But if you can't let go of the things God is asking you to let go of, you'll never move forward on your walk with Him. I think that as human beings we have a tendency to think that WE know what's best for us and that if we give something up to God, we will be sad and miserable. Can I tell you the opposite is true? God wants to bless you! He wants to give you things beyond your imagination! He loves you and He loves to see you happy. Give God the things he asks of you, and I promise you will see fruit produced in your life.

Lately I have been really focusing on what I am worth to God, and how much He loves me. The more He reveals to me about His love for me, the happier and more excited I get!

"...she is worth far more than rubies." -Proverbs 31:10 NIV
"...and worth far more than diamonds." -Proverbs 31:10 The MSG

Do you know how much a single ruby is worth? Up to $15,000. And don't even get me started on diamonds! Ladies, we all know how incredible diamonds are. They are sparkly and almost impossible to destroy. When we think of diamonds, we tend to think of what? Eternity. Lifelong commitment. Love. And guess what? We are worth more than all the rubies and diamonds in the world, because God loves us so much. Each child of God is just like a diamond, a precious jewel. You are stronger than you realize and cannot be broken, because you have a Mighty King on your side. He has a lifelong insurance policy on you! How's that for commitment?! We need to be just as committed to Him and He is to us. If He did not love us, do you really think He would send His son to pay the ultimate price for us? He sent Jesus to shed his blood to cleanse our sins, and tear the veil so that we could have an open door to our God.

So I'll leave you with these verses for tomorrow:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." -John 3:16 NIV

"Man does not comprehend its worth; it cannot be found in the land of the living." -Job 28:13 NIV

"But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved." -Ephesians 2:4-5

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." -1 John 4:7-8

Friday, November 2, 2012


Hello fellow bloggers, friends, loved ones, and people whom I may not even know! I can't express my excitement that you are reading this blog. Whether I asked you to, you saw the link for it and were curious, or you just stumbled upon it...I am grateful.

A few days ago the Lord really put it on my heart to start this blog about the fruits of the spirit. I am going to focus on one fruit each month, and really get into what it means to produce good fruits according to the Holy Spirit. This is more than just a Biblical study. This is getting to know God on a more personal and intimate level, asking Him to prune your walk and your life. It isn't going to be easy, and at times you are not going to like it, but abiding by His word is LAW. It is essential in our Christian walks to understand the fruits of the spirit and to let God make room for good fruits to be produced. 

I hope you'll join me on my 8 month journey to better understand and produce the fruits of the spirit!

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." -Galatians 5:22-23 NIV

November: love