I hate that I don't get around to writing until night, but I'm glad to even write at all. Tonight I am continuing 1 Corinthians 13. We've been over patience and kindness, and now I want to focus on the next part: "it (love) does not envy."
Once again, I want to define this word for you:
Desire to have a quality, possession, or other attribute belonging to (someone else): "he envied tall people"; "I envy Jane her happiness".
I do not enjoy feeling envious! And I don't know anybody who does. It can be so frustrating to want what others have and to wish for things that aren't in your possession. It can really wear you down until all you are focusing on is what you don't have rather than what you do have. Let me tell you, what you do have is so much better! Because you have the love of our King!
"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." -Proverbs 14:30 NIV
Jealousy and envy are so unbelievably bad for us. Today God broke some extreme envy off of me. I was struggling with some really bad jealousy issues towards Tyler's cousin. They two of them have always been in one another's lives. They grew up together and share some awesome memories and times together. They knew each other in their sinful nature and now in their walks with Christ. They have a close relationship, like a brother and sister. When the three of us are together I feel like a third wheel, like I really struggle to fit in and I started to grow so jealous of her that I started to resent her. This has been going on for months now. God really revealed it to me a few days ago and after praying about it, she and I talked and God broke me free from it. She didn't even have to say anything, it just took me admitting to her how I felt and allowing God to free me from it. And it feels amazing! If you are struggling feeling like a third wheel, I want you to understand what I was hit with today: there are relationships that you will never touch, and will never understand. There are going to be great memories you won't be able to share with that person that another person has. But you are unique, and so is the relationship you have! You will make your own experiences that nobody will be there for, you will make inside jokes that only you and this person will understand, you will make memories and grow a relationship unique in itself and unique from anyone else's relationship with that person. They belong to God, and the only person who should be jealous for them are God!
Another example. I have been struggling with wanting what other women have. This is talking as simple as their hair to what kind of shoes they are wearing. I have been wanting "things" instead of more of Jesus. Our God is a jealous God. He wants your attention!
"...but doing something beautiful for God and becoming beautiful doing it." -1 Timothy 2:10 MSG
It does not matter what clothes you have on your back, what color your hair is, or the shade of lipstick you are wearing. What matters is how you are living your life. What are you doing to glorify the living God? Your character is what makes you beautiful.
Envy is a poison that will eat us alive if we let it. Say you start resenting a girl because she is funnier than you, or prettier than you, and before you know it that turns into hatred. And soon, your heart is completely hardened towards that person. When your heart grows cold towards one person, it is so much easier to let it grow cold towards many other people. And then you have distanced yourself so far from God that it hurts. I do not want that for myself or for any of you. If you are struggling with envy or jealousy, give it to Jesus! Lay it at His feet - He can free you from it! Walk in His love, and allow Him to break chains off of you that are holding you back from the life He wants you to lead.
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." -Romans 12:21
Strong post Nat! Keep it up so glad to hear what God is doing in your life